Išao vidjeti od čega je napravljena unutrašnjost narukvice pa ostao iznenađen
SVIJET je prepun iznenađenja, a znanstvenici svakoga dana otkrivaju nešto novo. Arheolozi u Italiji nedavno su otkrili predivan i izuzetno očuvan mozaički pod iz antičkog Rima, nakon desetljeća traženja ostataka vile koja je bila na tom mjestu. Na mnoga, možda ne tako bitna, ali svakako zanimljiva, otkrića mnogi su naišli sasvim slučajno, a Bright Side je prikupio galeriju takvih fotografija koja prikazuje da je svijet zaista pun iznenađenja.
1. Unutrašnjost narukvice.
The inside of my daughter's snap bracelet is a from a tape measure. from r/mildlyinteresting
2. Očuvan mozaički pod iz antičkog Rima otkrili su arheolozi nedavno u sjevernoj Italiji.
3. Uzorak ispod kore stabla.
I am unsure where else to post this...I found this geometric pattern under the bark of a tree in the woods. It’s definitely organic, but what made it? from r/whatsthisplant
4. Pronašao je poruku u boci tijekom ribolova.
So my friend found a message in a bottle while fishing.
5. Kamen u kamenu.
Found this rock within a rock on a beach walk from r/mildlyinteresting
6. Razbio je kamen i pronašao fosile.
I broke a rock and found two kinds of fossils from r/mildlyinteresting
7. Poruka u boci.
Yesterday I found this message in a bottle on Floreana Island in the Galapagos from r/pics
8. "Živa" žarulja.
My brother found this life-bulb washed up on an Australian beach. It was all alive and it floated. from r/pics
9. Kipić star nekoliko tisuća godina.
My friend just found this little statue while digging in his own garden. The archeologists from the museum told him that it is probably from a grave dating back to 3-4000 years ago. from r/interestingasfuck
10. Cijepao je drva...
My friend was splitting logs and found an arrow head from r/pics
11. Stara boca Cole.
The place where I work used to be a coke factory and I found this old bottle from r/mildlyinteresting
12. Stari rimski novčić.
Roman coin I found in France while metal detecting. Emperor Constantine I. Minted in Trier (Treveri) Germany. Bronze. ~AD 306-337 from r/pics
13. Loptica za golf u stablu.
This golf ball inside a log I found. from r/mildlyinteresting
14. Svinja u svinji.
My dog's fitness pig toy had a buff pig inside. from r/mildlyinteresting
15. Nokia.
A friend of mine found this in the ground
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