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Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
TEHNOLOGIJOM koju danas imamo na raspolaganju tako je lako uhvatiti trenutke iz svakodnevnog života za samo tren. A ponekad se, bez da to odmah i shvatimo, pronađemo na pravom mjestu u pravo vrijeme i tako često nastanu neke od najboljih optičkih iluzija. Bright Side prikupio je jednu takvu galeriju s društvenih mreža, a neke od fotografija sasvim sigurno i vi ćete morati pogledati dvaput da vidite što se na njima zaista događa.
Squirrel with a blonde tail from r/mildlyinteresting
Holding that Ice cream from r/confusing_perspective
My cat sitting on the back of my chair makes it look like she’s wearing a leather jacket from r/mildlyinteresting
Just a guy wearing a hoodie from r/confusing_perspective
My puppy with human feet! from r/confusing_perspective
Boat on a dark sea or a simple cake? from r/confusing_perspective
gives new meaning to the phrase "egghead" from r/confusing_perspective
I don’t remember this being in hockey from r/confusing_perspective
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
Swan swallowing a mallard from r/confusing_perspective
Those are just baby turtles not a crocodile. from r/confusing_perspective
This camel eating a tiny human from r/confusing_perspective
Just saw this at the airport, took me a couple minutes to realize he’s hugging a pillow from r/illusionporn
Giant soccer ball sitting on a rock wall. from r/illusionporn

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