15 čudesnih fotki za koje ćete teško povjerovati da nisu fotošopirane

Foto: Instagram/Reddit/Imgur

NE KAŽE se uzalud da slika govori više od tisuću riječi, ali kad gledamo fotke po društvenim mrežama ponekad se teško ne zapitati je li autor zaista imao toliko dobro oko ili si je pomogao raznim alatima za uređivanje. 

Ekipa s Bored Pande pronašla je fotke koje su snimljene u trenucima toliko zanimljivim da je teško povjerovati da se autori nisu poslužili Photoshopom. 

1. Ovo nije zlato, samo sunčeve zrake koje su obasjale kamen u špilji

2. Klinac se popeo na ostatke velikog panja, ne na planinu

My boy climbing an old rotten tree stump looks like a giant climbing mountains. from r/pics

3. Tragovi guma koji nisu trodimenzionalni, ali tako izgledaju

These burnout marks look 3D from r/mildlyinteresting

4. Pogled u različita godišnja doba

This window that makes my back yard look like it’s in 4 different seasons from r/mildlyinteresting

5. Psić koji se nije zapalio, samo ga je sunce obasjalo pod čudnim kutem

Fire Paws

6. Savršen tajming

Perfect timing

7. Šuma snimljena iz unutrašnjosti šatora

This photo from inside a tent looks like Photoshop fuckery from r/pics

8. Sunce kroz obojeno staklo

In cute cat news, my mom put up an Easter decal on our front door and it makes Gigi look like a Dr. Seuss character. from r/aww

9. Lebdeći konj

Levitating horse from r/confusing_perspective

10. Nebo

My drive in to work this morning (I-90 in the Berkshire Mountains, MA) from r/pics

11. Ovi labudovi ne rastu jedan iz drugoga

This picture I took of two swans that looks like one swan with a smaller second head. from r/mildlyinteresting

12. Mraz

The frost on the fence this morning from r/interestingasfuck

13. Jesen

Changing seasons got me seeing red. from r/pics

14. Smrznuta lokva u dvorištu

The way this picture of a frozen puddle in my backyard looks like a landscape from the perspective of a plane. from r/mildlyinteresting

15. Perspektiva

My friend had a bug on his windshield that made him look like a Godzilla monster. from r/mildlyinteresting
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